


 久賀 史恵 岡部 紀子





(1) 学校訪問

 夏には、本校教員と生徒がシドニー市セントアイヴス高校を訪問。先方の交流クラスを確認し、パソコン設備の見学を行い担当教諭、Khush Patel 先生と今後の計画について打ち合わせた。また、時を同じくして開かれていたアジア高校生カンファレンス(7月30日)の会場とKDDの協力を得てテレビ会議で交流した。

 秋には、セントアイヴス高校の教員と生徒が本校に2週間体験入学し滞在し、体験 シドニーへ送った報告の写真(書道体験)入学 を通して交流を深めた。この間、電子メール、デジタルカメラを利用して、シドニーへこちらでの滞在の様子を報告した。今も滞在した生徒と本校生徒の間で電子メールの交換が 行われている。


 ドイツからは、カレン・トムソン先生(職業高校Berufliche Schulen des Kreises Schleswig-Flensburg)が本校を訪問した。その際、先生の担当するパソコンのクラスと、本校の2年生の英語総合のクラスとの間で交流を計画した。

(2) 電子メール交流

 ドイツのBerufliche Schulen des Kreises Schleswig-Flensburg高校とオーストラリア のセントアイヴス高校の高校生、イタリアのローマ在住の中学生と高校生、カナダの日本 人留学生、名古屋在住のインド留学生へ、生徒がそれぞれメールを出し、個人間でのメール交換を11月に始めた。また、ドイツとは、デジタルカメラを使って、画像の交換も行った。開始後しばらくは、送信の誤操作などを把握するために、それぞれの担当教員宛にもCCすることを約束とした。

(3) ホームページ作成

 英語部の生徒が、「生徒のページ」として校内の生徒の活動を中心に学校紹介のページ を作成し、また今後の海外との交流の成果を報告するサイトも含めることとした。

(4) テーマプロジェクト



This place is called “Kuru Kuru Sushi” in English、 “Sushi Train.” Various kinds of sushi are coming around the shop on a belt conveyer、 so you catch what you would like to eat. The color of the dish shows how much the dish costs.


We went on a school excursion. Our class went a place called Fuguzaki、 a small fish port. There was a park by the sea shore and we enjoyed BBQ.

 また、年末にかけて、ドイツ、オーストラリアと、それぞれの国での1999年を振り返った内容のレポート を作成して交換し、お互いの作品を読んで意見交換を行った(資料3、資料4)。その中で、ドイツでは皆既月食が大きな話題になっていたことを初めて知った。


The year 1999
The year started like every year - it was cold. The first few months are usually not very exciting. OnA few birthdays、 parties and so on. 30 July I turned 18. This was very important for me、 because then I could start do take driving lessons. On 14 August my brother got married.
On 29 August something very special happened - the solar eclipse.
It was genius - and it looked great. Many people travelled to other cities、 to observe the solar eclipse.  Unfortunately our weather was not so good and many people travelled in vain to other places. In our garden I could see the solar eclipse not too badly.  It´s a pity - but I don´t remember too many details from last year.


Sydney is getting really busy towards the Millenium.....And everyone is excited about it.....
Every year、 there's a fireworks at Circular Quay which happenes on New Year's eve at 12am......It is really crowed、 and i mean "crowed".
This year will be very special because we are heading to the Millenium....so i guess it's going to be even more crowed than any other years...........
In Australia、 the " Y2K " is one of the major concerns.... and that could be the reason why people are a little bit afraid of going to the fireworks on the New Year's eve.......Even me!


Year End Report Looking back at the year 1999 Domestic
<Y2K Concerns>
It is said that computers go crazy in turning the year from 1999 to 2000.  Some of us are worried and preapred for the disasters but others don't care.
<They Decided to Make 2000 yen Bills Next Year.>
The idea is 2000 yen bill for the new year、 2000. But we don't think it necessary and think it's waste of tax. We will get confused with too many kinds of bills.
<Shoes with very thick bottoms in Fashon >
Shoes with very thick bottoms are popular among young girls. But there was an accident where a girl with those shoes fell down and hit her head very hard agains her car、 which lead her to death. We have to be careful when we are wearing those shoes.
<A girl Murderd by her Mother's Friend >
A three-year-old girl was missing and found death.  It was by her mother's friend. The friend said she had some trouble with her mother and decided to kill the girl.

<Big Earthquake in Taiwan and Turkey. >
We feel sad and sorry for them、 and at the same time、 we are afraid that something like this will happen in Japan some day.
<Nuclear Accident in Tokai Village in Japan >
A few workers are seriously sick. People nearby took refuge. Many trains were canceled. Later、 there were several misoperating in the plant found out. We hope anything like this will never happen again.




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