CEC E-Square Advanced Project
Requisites for International communication system with the Translation software

Survey 1 (Teacher)

Before we begin the communication project, please answer the following questions.

About the Communication Project

a. Have you ever had a communication project either internationally or locally?
@@@@‚PDYes iForeign / Local iCountry nameF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-1. If your answer is yes at a, how the communication project is considered in the class.
@@@@‚PDProject study
@@@@‚QDWith the subjectiSubject nameF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j
@@@@‚RDExtra activities

a-2. If your answer is yes at a, how many students and teachers attended to the communicating project
@@@@TeacherF@@@@@@@@@@@ StudentsF@@@@@@@@

a-3. If your answer is yes at a, how did you find the partner school?
@@@@‚PDIntroduced iWho introduced you/company name:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j
@@@@‚RDApproached by the partner school
@@@@‚SDThrough the internet

a-4. If your answer is yes at a, how did you proceed the communication project? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDVisited to the partner's school or invited them to the school
@@@@‚RDVideo Mail
@@@@‚SDInternet Mail
@@@@‚TDBulletin board on the internet
@@@@‚UDNet meeting

a-5. If your answer is yes at a, what did you expect for the communication project? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDImprovement of student's communication skill
@@@@‚QDUnderstanding of other cultures and custom
@@@@‚RDImprovement of student's study
@@@@‚SDInterests in the partner's language(if it's international communication project)
@@@@‚TDInterests in our own country, culture, local and custom
@@@@‚UDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-6. If your answer is yes at a, did you achieve to the expectation through the project?
@@@@‚PDAchieved more than expected.
@@@@‚RDAlmost achieved
@@@@‚SDDid not achieve very much
@@@@‚TDDid not achieve at all

a-7. If your answer is yes at a, did you find any changes in students through the combination project? What kind of changes was that?

@@@@‚PDYes, there was some changes.
@@@@‚QDNo, there was no changes.
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-8. If your answer is yes at a, what is the reconsideration for the project? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDWe could not proceed the communication project as we planned.
@@@@‚QDWe could not achieve to the objectives for the project.
@@@@‚RDWe could not communicate well with the partners.
@@@@‚SDWe could not match the communication schedule each other; not enough time for the communication.
@@@@‚TDWe could not continue the communication.
@@@@‚UDStudents were not interested in the communication project at all.
@@@@‚VDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-9. If your answer is yes at a, do you think that your tasks and responsibilities are increased in order to do a communication project?
@@@@‚PDYes (what kind of tasks and responsibilities?)
@@@@‚QDNothing changed.
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-10. If your answer is yes at a, do you want to do a communication project (international/local) again in the future? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDWe want to do a local communication project.
@@@@‚QDWe want to do an international communication project.
@@@@‚RDWe do not want to do any communication project.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

a-11. If your answer is yes at a, what will be the most problems for the communication project? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDAdapting the communication project into the regular class
@@@@‚QDCommunication with a teachers in the partner school
@@@@‚RDLanguage barrierifor the international communication projectj
@@@@‚SDCommunication between students
@@@@‚TDIncreased the preparation time and more tasks for the teachers
@@@@‚UDLack of the investment support
@@@@‚VDLack of the equipment
@@@@‚WDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

b. If your answer is No at a, please tell us why you have not have a communication project before. (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDDoes not match to the regular class
@@@@‚QDNot sure about the effectiveness
@@@@‚RDNo enough time for the communication project
@@@@‚SDDo not have a partner school
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

About the International Communication Project

a. How many teachers and students will attend the international communication project this time?
TeachersF@@@@ StudentsF@@@@@

b. How this communication project is consideredH
@@@@‚PDProject study
@@@@‚QDWithin a subject isubject nameF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j
@@@@‚RDExtra activities
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. What is your expectation for the communication project? (Multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDImprovement of student's communication skill
@@@@‚QDUnderstanding of other cultures and custom
@@@@‚RDImprovement of student's study
@@@@‚SDInterests in the partner's language(if it's international communication project)
@@@@‚TDInterests in our own country, culture, local and custom
@@@@‚UDOther (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)

d. Is the teacher's expectation to Japan high?

e. What kind of images do you have to Japan and Japanese?

e. Do you think that student's expectation to Japan and Japanese is high?

f. What do you think of the images that your students have to Japan and Japanese?

g. Is your interest in Japanese language increased?

h. Is your student's interest in Japanese language increased?

i. Are your tasks and responsibilities increased in order to process the International communication project? What are they?
@@@@‚QDNo changes
@@@@‚RDNot sure
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

j. Are you worried about this project?
@@@@‚QDYes I'm worried.
@@@@‚RDNo, I'm not worried at all.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

k. Are there any other countries that you want to do a communication project?
@@@@‚PDYes (Country nameF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

About the translation system

a. Have you ever used translation software on the PC or through the internet before? What are they?
@@@@‚PDYes (product or service name:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)

b. If your answer is yes at a, when did you use the translation software?
@@@@‚PDTo translate emails
@@@@‚QDTo translate home pages
@@@@‚RDTo translate documents such as MS Word, Excel, and so on
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. If your answer is yes at a, how much can you rely on the translation software?
@@@@‚PDI can fully rely on.
@@@@‚QDI can use it, but I need to edit a small portion afterwards.
@@@@‚RDI can use it, but I need to edit most of them afterwards.
@@@@‚SDI cannot use it at all, but I used it as a reference.
@@@@‚TDI do not use it at all.
@@@@‚UDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

d. If your answer is yes at a, how much do you think that your students can use the translation software?
@@@@‚PDThey can fully use of it.
@@@@‚QDThey can use it, but I need to edit it.
@@@@‚RDThey can use it as a reference.
@@@@‚SDSince they cannot edit it, they cannot use it at all.
@@@@‚TDThey cannot use it at all.
@@@@‚UDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

e. If your answer is yes at a, what is an advantage to use the translation software?
@@@@‚PDI can write mail in my own language so it is faster than using Japanese.
@@@@‚QDI feel more comfortable to Japanese.
@@@@‚RDI can concentrate in the communication itself without worrying about the language barrier.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

f. If your answer is yes at a, what is a disadvantage to use the translation software? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDTranslation is not accurate
@@@@‚RDComplicated to use
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

g. If your answer is No at a, what is the reason that you did not use the translation software?(multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDTranslation is not accurate
@@@@‚RDComplicated to use
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

h. Is the translation system helpful for the communication? In what way, the translation software is helpful?(multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDImprove the communication between teachers
@@@@‚QDImprove the communication between students
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

i. What is the merit for students to use the translation system in the communication project?(multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDThey can communicate with Japanese friends without worrying about the language barrier.
@@@@‚QDImprove the communication
@@@@‚RDThey will be more interested in Japan and Japanese culture.
@@@@‚SDIt helps them to learn the language.
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

j. What is the demerit for students to use the translation system in the communication project? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDThe communication is not improved even though using the translation software.
@@@@‚QDIt does not help their communication.
@@@@‚RDSince they can use their own language, their interests in Japanese language is decreased.
@@@@‚SDIt prevents them to learn the different languages.
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

k. They say that a use of the translation software prevents students to learn well about the foreign language, what do you think of that? Please tell us the reason why you think so.
@@@@‚PDI think so.@Why i
@@@@‚QDI don't think so@Why i
@@@@‚RDI'm not sure.@Why i

About the net meeting

a. Have you ever used the net meeting in the class?
@@@@‚RDOthers i

b. If your answer is yes in the a, whey did you use the net meeting?
@@@@‚PDTo communicate with a partner school in a distance.
@@@@‚QDCompany offered.
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. If your answer is yes in the a, how many hours did you spend to prepare the net meeting with the partner school?

d. If your answer is yes in the a, who did prepare the equipment and setup for the net meeting?
@@@@‚QDSchool district
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

e. If your answer is yes in the a, what is the merit to use the net meeting? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDReal time communication with a school in a distance can be possible.
@@@@‚QDStudent's willingness of study will be increased since they can see each other in person.
@@@@‚RDVarious kinds of communication could be possible since students can see each other in person.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

f. If your answer is yes in the a, what is the demerit to have a net meeting for the communication project? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDToo much preparations
@@@@‚QDNot much effective in the education side, but just an event.
@@@@‚RDDifficult for all students to attend to a net meeting.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

g. If your answer is No in the a, why have you not had a net meeting? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDDo not have a system for a net meeting
@@@@‚QDDo no have knowledge for a net meeting
@@@@‚RDPartner's school does not have a system for a net meeting.
@@@@‚SDToo much preparation
@@@@‚TDDo not believe in the effectiveness to have a net meeting.
@@@@‚UDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

About the communication using the Internet

a. what is the merit to use the internet for the communication?
@@@@‚PDStudents can exchange their message in real time compare to post mails.
@@@@‚QDIt is inexpensive to do a communication compare to telephone.
@@@@‚RDStudents does not have to worry about the time difference for the communication.
@@@@‚SDStudents does not have to worry about a distance for the communication.
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

b. What is the demerit to use the internet for the communication?
@@@@‚PDWe do not have enough computers connected to the internet.
@@@@‚QDPartner's school does not have enough computers connected to the internet.
@@@@‚RDIt seems virtual communication, and does not have a reality.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. Are you worried about the communication using the BBS and the net meeting?
@@@@‚PDIt is a virtual communication and no reality.
@@@@‚QDWorried about a usage of the BBS.
@@@@‚RDWorried about if we can get replies using the BBS.
@@@@‚SDWorried about the translation.
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

Educational effectiveness to use the BBS for the communication

a. Have you used the BBS in your class? Why?
@@@@‚PDYes (ReasonF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

b. If your answer is yes in the a, how did you use the BBS? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDTo exchange information between teachers.
@@@@‚QDTo exchange information between students.
@@@@‚RDTo do a collaborative study/project.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. If your answer is yes in the a, what was the merit to use the BBS for the communication? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDAll students can share and review any messages.
@@@@‚QDAll students can check the messages.
@@@@‚RDTeachers can check and review the student's messages.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

d. If your answer is yes in the a, what was the demerit to use the BBS for the communication? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDIt was difficult to operate.
@@@@‚QDCommunication becomes fully depending on the BBS.
@@@@‚RDIrresponsible comments could be posted.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

e. We will use the translation BBS this time, how do you think to use the BBS for the communication project this time? (multiple selections OK)
@@@@‚PDTo exchange information between teachers.
@@@@‚QDTo exchange information between students.
@@@@‚RDTo have a collaborative study/project.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

Attendance of local volunteers

a. Have you had any events that got help from local volunteers?
@@@@‚PDYes iWhat kind of volunteersF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

b. If your answer is No in the a, why you did not ask volunteers for the event?
@@@@‚PDWe did not have any event need a local volunteer's help.
@@@@‚QDToo much trouble.
@@@@‚RDSchool does not have a system to get a local volunteer's help.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. Do you plan to get any help from local volunteers for the communication project for this time?
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

d. Do you have anyone can speak foreign languages at your school or at the local?
@@@@‚PDYes (what language:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)

e. Do you plan to ask help to the volunteers for the communication?
@@@@‚PDWe have already asked.
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

f. If your answer is 'ask for a help' in e, do you plan to pay to the volunteers?
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

g. Who do you ask for the translation/interpretation?
@@@@‚PDAt school
@@@@‚QDOther school
@@@@‚RDOther organization
@@@@‚SDLocal volunteers/Parents
@@@@‚UDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

Expectation for the company

a. What is your expectation for the company for the communication project?
@@@@‚PDTechnical support
@@@@‚QDCoordination for the communication
@@@@‚SDIntroduction to the new school
@@@@‚TDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

b. Technical support and other support for the communication project by a company may cost. Does your school have a plan to budget for it?
@@@@‚SDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

c. If your school plan to do a communication project by itself, does any organization or a school district support a budget for the project?
@@@@‚RDOthers i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@j

Thank you for your cooperation!