CEC E-Square Advanced Project
Requisites for International communication system with the Translation software

Survey 2 (Teacher)

Please answer to the following questions.

About the Communication Project

A) Did you find any changes in your students through the project? (multiple answers is OK)

    1.Improvement of communication skill.
    2.Improvement of understanding of Japan.
    3.Improvement of willingness to study.
    4.Increase in interests in Japanese language.
    5.Increase in interests in own country and culture.
    6.Other (                         )

B) Was your interest in Japan increased after the project began?

    Increased       Not changed        Decreased
    5        4        3       2      1

C) Was your image of Japan changed? How did it change?

    1.Changed. (                         )
    2.Nothing changed.
    3.Other. (                         )

D) Do you think that your student's interest in Japan was increased after the project began?

    Increased       Not changed        Decreased
    5        4        3       2      1

E) Was your student's image of Japan changed after the project began? How was it changed?
    1.Changed. (                         )
    2.Nothing changed.
    3.Other. (                         )

F) Were your interests in Japanese language increased after the project began?

    Increased       Not changed        Decreased
    5        4        3       2      1

Are you doing anything to learn Japanese language?
(                         )

G) Was your student's interest in Japanese language increased after the project began?

    Increased       Not changed        Decreased
    5        4        3       2      1

H) Was your burden or responsibility increased after the project began? What kind of burden was increased?

    1.Increased. (                         )
    2.Nothing changed.
    3.I do not know.
    4.Other (                         )

I) Do you have any worries or concerns about the project now? If you have any, what is it?

    1.Yes. (                         )
    3.Other (                         )

J) Do you devise anyways to make the communication more active? How?

    1.Yes. (                         )
    3.Other (                         )

K) Do you want to use any other equipment or methods in addition to the bulletin board and the video conference?

    1.Yes. (                         )
    3.Other (                         )

About the Expectation to the translation software

The system version has been updated on November 15th. Please answer to the following questions to let us know how you see and feel about those changes.

About Previous version (before November 17th) :

A) How reliable is the translation system?

    1.Highly reliable.
    2.I use it, but I need to edit/correct some.
    3.I use it, but I need to edit/correct a lot.
    4.I feel that I need to edit/correct them, but I cannot edit because I do not know Japanese.
    5.I cannot use it as it is.
    6.Other (                         )

B) How much do you think that partners in Japan understand what you wrote on the bulletin board?

    1.They fully understand.
    2.They understand OK.
    3.They understand some.
    4.They understand little.
    5.They do not understand at all.
    6.Other (                         )

C) How much do you think that your student can use the translation software?

    1.They can fully use it.
    2.They can use it, they need to edit some.
    3.They know they need to edit it, but they cannot.
    4.They can use it as a reference.
    5.They cannot use it at all.
    6.Other (                         )

D) What is the advantage of the translation software?

    1.I can type messages more quickly than typing Japanese.
    2.I don't have to worry about Japanese language.
    3.I can concentrate on the communication by using English.
    4.I get interested in Japanese language more.
      (1) It helps me to learn Japanese language.
      (2) Other (                         )

E) What are the problems of the translation software? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.Poor translation.
    2.It takes time to translate.
    4.Difficult to use.
    5.Other (                         )

F) How the translation system helps the communication project? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.Promote the communication between teachers.
    2.As means to inform the necessary message between teachers.
    3.Promote the communication between students.
    4.Other (                         )

G) What are the disadvantages for your students to use the translation software? (Multiple answer is OK)

    1.Communication does not go smoothly even though we use the translation software.
    2.It does not help the communication at all.
    3.Their interest in Japanese language will be decreased because they only haven to use English.
    4.It prevents students from learning the foreign languages.
    5.Literal translation does not make any sense.
    6.Other (                         )

H) They say that using translation software prevents students from learning foreign languages. What do you think about this comment after using the translation software, and why do you think so?

    1.I agree, because (                         )
    2.I don't agree, because (                         )
    3.I don't know, because (                         )

About the Video Conference

A) Did you use the video conference for the project?

    3.Other (                         )

B) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), how long did it take you to prepare for the video conference?

    ( ) hours/days

C) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), who did set up the equipment for the video conference?

    2.School district
    5.Other (                         )

D) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), what did you have your students to prepare for the video conference, and how long did it take?

    Preparation (                         )

    ( ) hours./days

E) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), what are the effects to use the video conference for the project? (Multiple answer is OK)

    1.We can have a real time communication with friends in the distance.
    2.Student's willingness to study is increased since they can communicate face to face.
    3.We can have various way of communication since we can show the motion of our behavior.
    What kind of things did you do? (                         )
    4.Other (                         )

F) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), what is the disadvantage to use the video conference for the project? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.Too much preparation is required.
    2.It is considered as just an event, and there are no educational effects.
    3.It is difficult for all students to attend.
    4.Other (                         )

G) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), what are the problems during the video conference?

    1.Unclear vision.
    2.Hard to hear the sounds and voices.
    3.Difficult to set up the equipment.
    4.Equipment is unstable.
    5.Our school does not have necessary equipment.
    6.Need translators.
    7.It takes time to communicate since the interpreter needs to translate.
    8.Other (                         )

H) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), if the sound and vision becomes good as a regular TV, do you think that the contents/subjects for the video conference would be changed?

    1.Yes, it would be changed. e.g. (                         )
    2.No, it would not be changed.
    3.I don't know.
    4.Other. (                         )

About the communication using the Internet

A) What are the advantages of using the Internet for the communication project? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.We can exchange messages more frequently compared with posting mails.
    2.It is cheaper compared with the telephone cost.
    3.We can communicate without worrying about the time difference.
    4.We can communicate without concerning about the distance.
    5.Other. (                         )

B) What is the disadvantage to use the internet for the communication project? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.The communication cannot be promoted because we don't have enough computers with the Internet connection.
    2.The communication cannot be promoted because Japan side doesn't have enough computers with the Internet connection.
    3.It is considered as a virtual communication, and students don't feel reality.
    4.Other. (                         )

C) Are you worried about the communication using the bulletin board and the video conference?

    1.I don't feel reality because it is a virtual communication.
    2.I am worried about the operations of the bulletin board.
    3.I am worried that we night not receive any replies from Japan on the bulletin board.
    4.I am worried that the translation night be incorrect.
    5.Other. (                         )

Educational effects by using the BBS for the communication

A) How are you using the bulletin board for your communication project now? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.As a place for teachers to communicate with those teachers in Japan.
    2.As a place for teachers to inform the necessary messages.
    3.As a place for students to communicate with those students in Japan.
    4.As a place for students to study cooperatively.
    5.Other (                         )

B) What are the advantages to use the bulletin board for the communication project? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.All attendees including teachers and students can share all the messages on the board.
    2.Teachers can check students' messages.
    3.Teachers can review the history of students' messages.
    4.Other. (                         )

C) What are the disadvantages to use the bulletin board for the communication project? (Multiple answers is OK)
    1.It is difficult to operate the bulletin board.
    2.We rely on the bulletin board too much for the communication.
    3.Students post inappropriate messages.
    4.Other. (                         )

D) How will you use the bulletin board from now on? (Multiple answers is OK)

    1.As a place for teachers to communicate with those teachers in Japan.
    2.As a place for teachers to inform the necessary messages.
    3.As a place for students to communicate with those students in Japan.
    4.As a place for students to study cooperatively.
    5.Other (                         )

Attendance of local volunteers

A) Do you plan to ask for help of the people in your local area for the communication project?

    4.Other (                         )

B) Is there anybody who speaks foreign languages in your school or in your local area?

    3.Other (                         )

C) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), what kind of help do you plan to receive from the people in your local area (what kind of help have you already asked for the help)?

    2.Translation of letters and e-mails.
    3.Coordinator for the communication project.
    4.Setup for necessary equipment.
    5.Other (                         )

D) If your answer is 'Yes' in A), do you plan to pay the money for the help?

    4.Other (                         )

E) Who do (did) you ask for the Interpreter?

    1.Someone in our school.
    2.Someone in another school.
    3.Other organization.
    4.People in the local area/parents.
    6.Other (                         )

F) If you have any comments or concerns about the communication project, please let us know.
    (                         )

Thank you for your cooperation!