
The 100-school project administration has produced and distributed below listed publications.
news letters
We published paper, not electronic, news letters during the project's start up period of April to August 1995. The news letters contained topics and subjects which were inquired over networks and telephones and drew attention. Announcements from the administration to the member schools were also included. Contents of the news letters are now on WWW . Please have a look.
references for installation
Explanatory references on hardware and Internet usage were prepared to be used by teachers in charge at the member schools and by other interested teachers and students in primary and secondary education.
PR materials
PR materials have been published to make people, not limited to those in the primary and secondary education community, better equipped with basic knowledge of the Internet, and to help them understand the objectives and outlines of 100-school project. Some materials also prepared to make the past results, status at the times, and the future plans of the project widely known.

References for Installation

Internet Users Manuals (in two parts of server and client) photograph

Inside these are descriptions which are necessary for network users at schools where networks are actually in operation. Assumed readers of the server users part are the system administrators and teachers who instruct students. The client part is to be referred by teachers and high school level students to understand basics of the Internet, then to utilize applications available.
The users manuals were distributed to every member school for smooth utilization of the network at the school.

Let's Get Connected to the Internet -- A beginners' guide to connect and use photograph

The booklet is prepared for network oriented teachers and students of primary and secondary education in Japan. It explains what are there to prepare, to arrange, and to proceed to connect to the Internet.
A quick reference of procedures to connect to the Internet and of Internet services usage is also prepared as an appendix.
These were delivered to the member schools, the rest of the applicants to the project (1,543 schools), all educational committees in the country, educational centers and others.

WWW Server Guide photograph

This guide book covers WWW servers which provide useful information about school education, written preferably in Japanese. The servers are prepared by governmental offices, universities, research centers, educational institutes, and private companies. The WWW servers' contents and whereabouts are listed by locality. This is to serve as a guide for schools just about to start using the Internet in education, and needs introduction to access to WWW servers. This also serves the teachers in charge of the Internet use to get supporting information.
This guide book was delivered to the member schools, the rest of the applicants, all educational committees in the country, educational centers and others.

PR Materials

Internet Guide (video, CD-ROM) photograph

This is an overview of the Internet, and is delivered in video tapes or CD-ROMs.

100-school Project Pamphlet photograph

This 8-page pamphlet introduces 100-school project plans and activities.

Internet at Schools Guide (Let's Use the Internet)

Reports on activities by the member schools (50) in 1995, and examples of installed systems (at 4 schools) are introduced. The examples detail the configurations, applications and usage, and the cost of the systems.

100-school Project in 1995(CD-ROM)

Reports on the member schools activities and regular projects are included.

1995 Project Report

This is the 100-school project report for the academic year of 1995.