Regular Projects in 1996

All projects are still under way..

Please be notified that most of the projects have not yet established www information to be linked.

Opinion Exchange among Senior High School Students

An open space for opinion exchange has been prepared. Although use of the networks at the schools is the basis of this activity, the physical boundaries of schools are virtually nonexistent, so the students can conduct more independent and more self-governing opinion exchange. And thus, construction of new relationships between students, teachers and schools can be expected.
In addition, a practical research is carried out, on possibilities whether or not the same type of communication over the networks can be a study support environment.

Internet and Special Education

A regular project in 1995 is continued and expanded. Such activities as in depth examinations of obstacles to home page accesses by specific types of handicapped persons will be carried out. Participants are widely invited.

Special Education Related Home Pages Construction

Through home page creation processes, the participants are expected to realize how the Internet is used by visually disabled persons. Then, the participants are expected to go further to discuss about the user friendly home pages for visually disabled persons, and start construction works of such pages.

Asian High School Students Internet Exchange Program

Each country in Asia conducts its history education to meet its national interests. Reflecting the circumstances, the project targets are set as listed bellow. They should be achieved by direct exchange via the Internet at an everyday study level.

Acid Rain Research Project

We have set the project target that the survey method should be standardized and data observed at the individual schools should be shared among the j participants. We make use of our home pages and mailing lists for openly announcing or reporting the research results, questions about the project, and guidance by the experts. ( The project's home page from 1995)

Scientific Experiments and Observations Materials DB Construction

Details of scientific experiments and observations which are carried out are disclosed on the networks and taken into a database for the purpose. This will stir up information exchange among concerned people and motivated utilization of data by them.

Question Mails across Japan

"Question Mails across Japan" is a page through which a child from a elementary or a junior high school can submit an e-mail himself asking his questions.
Once a child send a mail bearing his questions, volunteers on the mailing list would readily answer the questions.

Multiple Answer Problems in Mathematics

People get together through the Internet to come out with a problem which any student of a elementary, a junior high or a senior high can handle. Then they would place it on a web page to discuss further over the Internet. After opinions are exchanged among people through out Japan or even the world, a participant set to work to reach his answer.

Single Trees

In old times, people knew the characteristics of trees very well, and enjoyed the full benefit of them wisely in their daily lives. This is just one example of many wisdoms of old times. This project aimed at digging up wisdoms of this kind. We also restudy the relationship between human beings and plants. This includes a study into the meaning and the background of why we need plants in our life, today.

Me and Media

Along with Japanese students, students in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, and Estonia are get together to think about what media really are. The media here includes those listed below.

Over the Pacific, let's enjoy playing catch with words and feelings

The APEC countries will be the business stage in the 21st century for Japanese students now in high schools. Exchange with high school students from APEC countries through electronic media would help Japanese students making themselves better prepared to cooperate and take up duties and responsibilities for the future of the APEC.

To materialize this, a system to keep teachers and schools in the APEC in touch, which we describe "playing catch with words and feelings", should be built.