Project Body

Organizations listed below have conducted 100-school Networking Project.
the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture
100-school Networking Project has been a project in the joint control of the two Ministries.
Information-Technology Promotion Agency(IPA)
Center for Educational Computing(CEC)
100-school Networking Project has been carried out jointly by IPA and CEC.
Educational Software Development and Use Promotion Center
Center for Information Infrastructure
To promote information oriented education, including the undertaking of the 100-school project, IPA established "Educational Software Development and Use Promotion Center" in "Center for Information Infrastructure" in Fujisawa, Kanagawa.

Organizations in Association

The member schools of this project are connected to the Internet with the help and understanding of the network organizations listed below.
WIDE Internet (WIDE)
Several schools in Kanagawa are directly connected to this network. The network also serves as the upper network in the hierarchy for several other regional networks in this list.
Science Information Network Internet Backbone (SINET)
Two schools in Kyushu are directly connected to this network, The network also serves as the upper network in the hierarchy for several other regional networks in this list.
Network Organization for Research and Technology in Hokkaido (NORTH)
Schools in Hokkaido region are connected to this network.
Tohoku Internet Association (TiA)
Schools in Tohoku region are connected to this network.
Regional Internet Connection-Tsukuba (RIC-Tsukuba)
Schools in Ibaraki prefecture are connected to this network.
Tokyo Regional Academic Inter-Network (TRAIN)
Schools in Kanto region (excluding Ibaraki, including Nagano and Niigata prefectures) are connected to this network.
Fukui-Ishikawa-Toyama network (FITnet)
Schools in Fukui, Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures are connected to this network.
Hamamatsu Inter NeTwork (HINT)
Schools in Shizuoka prefecture are connected to this network.
Tokai Internetwork Council (TIC)
Schools in Aichi, Gifu and Mie prefectures are connected to this network.
Network Community Area 5 (NCA5)
Schools in Kyoto and Shiga prefectures are connected to this network.
Osaka Regional Information Open Network of Systems (ORIONS)
Schools in Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama and Tokushima prefectures are connected to this network.
Chugoku Shikoku Internet Council (CSI)
Schools in Chugoku and Shikoku regions (excluding Tokushima and Yamaguchi prefectures) are connected to this network.
Kyushu Area Regional Research Network (KARRN)
Schools in Kyushu region (including Yamaguchi and Okinawa prefectures) are connected to this network.