Fukuishi Haruyama Elementary School

Notice: The following is the information when the 100 school networking project had started. It is different from the current information. ( Current Homepage )

emblem of school

Address  3-13-1 Bunkyo, Fukui, Fukui 910, Japan
Enrollment  620 (1995 school year)
Date of Establishment  Oct. 1872 (Yamato, Haruyama, Inui elementaries)

Image Photo
At the front gate of the snowy country is Fukui. There, we enjoy tasty Echizen Gani crabs and Amaebi shrimps. At the center of Fukui-shi, the capital city of the prefecture, is Haruyama Elementary.
The school is medium sized with a total of 19 classes, 3 classes in each grade and 1 special class. Ever since we were committed a research on CAI in school year 1990, we have continued researches on using computers to help enhance individual's self educating capabilities.
Based on these researches, we have just carried on to networking, the hot spot of today.