Hikari Junior High School of Yamaguchi Univ.

Notice: The following is the information when the 100 school networking project had started. It is different from the current information. ( Current Homepage )

emblem of school

Address  1-1 Murozumi Ura, Hikari, Yamaguchi 743, Japan
Enrollment  335 (1995 school year)
Date of Establishment  Apr. 01, 1947

Image Photo
Behind us rises a natural monument of Mt. Gabisan in deep green, and in front of us spreads a beautiful view of the Seto inland sea. We are in the midst of the Seto inland national park.
Students of 335 enjoy their school lives in this nature rich surroundings.
Thanks to the Internet capabilities to exchange a variety of information with schools nation wide, students surely spend exciting days with expectations and anxieties.