Kaizukita High School

Notice: The following is the information when the 100 school networking project had started. It is different from the current information. ( Current Homepage )

emblem of school

Address  3885-2 Imao, Hirata, Kaizu, Gifu 503-03, Japan
Enrollment  441 (1995 school year)
Date of Establishment  Apr. 01, 1983

Image Photo
The school is a vocational high school with three courses. They are the domestic science, the home economics, and the information processing courses. There are 80 boys, most of them in the information processing course, and 331 girls.
The computer club won the prize from the Minister of the International Trade and Industry, twice, in the all Japan high school programming contests in 1992 and in 1994. This is just an example of how active our cultural circles are.
Volunteering is an all school endeavor, and that includes evening meal delivery services to the elderly who live alone by themselves in our community of Hirata town.