Kunijima High School (Osaka Prefectural)

Notice: The following is the information when the 100 school networking project had started. It is different from the current information. ( Current Homepage )

emblem of school

Address  1-7-106 Kunijima, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 533, Japan
Enrollment  847 (1995 school year)
Date of Establishment  Apr. 1975

Image Photo
We have a history of 20 years. Based on the results and the outcomes so far accumulated from our human rights education, we proceed with it, and make it more solid and fulfilling education, so that we can bring about "proud Kunijima High" and "attractive Kunijima High".
We emphasize respect to human rights, in other words, we try to bring up persons who would not allow any discrimination against any body, would love freedom, equality and peace.
We also try to guide students to become members of a group in which individuals' personalities are respected and the differences between the members are understood.
With aims to enhance our international multi-cultural education, we go on a school excursion and have exchange meetings with our sister school in Calfornia, USA, every year.