Kochi Prefectural Kochi Nishi Senior High School

Notice: The following is the information when the 100 school networking project had started. It is different from the current information. ( Current Homepage )

emblem of school

Address  668 Kamobe, Kochi-shi, Kochi 780, Japan
Enrollment  1236
Date of Establishment  Apr. 01, 1957

Image Photo
Our school motto at the start in 1957 was the "frontier spirit". Added to it later was "hard spirit". We try to establish clean and lively school tradition based on these.
We started the English language course, first in the prefecture, in 1968.
In 1994, we reached a long wanted mutual agreement with the Friends School, Tasmania, Australia to become sister schools. This is of help to deepen our international understanding education.
The whole school set the minds to make a big jump "from Kochi in Japan to the whole world".