
Mailing List Open up Service

A mailing list can be opened up at Educational Software Development and Use Promotion Center, the center, on application by two persons in charge.
An address of
will be given to the opened mailing list.
This service is available to those who comply with the objectives of Educational Software Development and Use Promotion Center . The service is not necessarily limited to the 100-school project members.
To apply for the service, please send an e-mail, bearing the information listed below, to
The 100-school project administration decides whether or not to accept the request. The capacity of the server at the center and the purpose of the mailing list are the main factors of consideration.

Features of a Mailing List

Mailing list tools called SmartList (README) and MHonArc (README) are used to handle the mailing lists on the server at the center, the center server.

Major features are as follows.


Mails are saved in the center server. Users can retrieve past mails by sending e-mails which bear commands to the center server.
For more details, please send a mail
(where xxx is the name of the mailing list of concern.)
    Subject: archive help
Usage of archiver will be returned.

Automatic subscription/unsubscription (optional)

Some mailing lists accept automatic subscription and unsubscription. Otherwise the tasks are carried out by the mailing list operator on request.
If automatic subscription has been done, unsubscription of the same person must also be automatic. (Please take care not to ask for manual unsubscription once you subscribed automatically.)
To automatically subscribe, send a mail
(where xxx is the name of the mailing list of concern.)
    Subject: subscribe
Soon after you receive a mail telling that "Your subscription is accepted". From this time on, you are a member of the mailing list .
If you do not receive the mail of confirmation, please contact
to inquire.

If you enter "unsubscribe" in place of "subscribe" to look

    Subject: unsubscribe
and send the mail, you receive a mail telling that "Your unsubscription is accepted".

Archive on WWW (optional)

Archive of a mailing list can be made open on WWW. This option is taken to provide novices with easy access to the archive at the cost of the secrecy of the mailing list.

Major Mailing Lists

At present, mailing lists listed below are open to the public.

Aimiteno (

This mailing list concentrates on network education environments. Initially started with teachers from the 100-school project, Aimiteno now accepts any person who is interested in network education environments.
Past Logs can be referenced on WWW.
A page detailing Aimiteno is ready. Please consult that page.

Fresh Sprout Project(

The objective of this project is to prepare a model guideline for primary to senior high schools on Internet use. Voluntary members, teachers from primary to senior high schools and ordinary citizen, are engaged in the activities. More on WWW.